Saturday 17 December 2016

My friend says...

My friend says, "I feel like calling you & talking to you"
Awesome! My friend feels like talking to me... woohoo!

Then she says, "And when I'm free and wanna talk to you, I jump on my bed and grab my phone"
I feel so awesome again. My friend, somewhere far away, is craving to talk to me, to listen to my not so soothing voice uttering nothing but senseless humor, almost making you feel why didn't I die before hearing this, but still...

She says, "And I search your contact as if I'm digging for gold"
I'm left speechless. Why isn't your phone smarter enough to sense my feelings? Why is it making you search me, wasting those fervently pious seconds I could live more by?"

And she says, "Woo! I gotcha finally"
You're only making me smile more...

She says, "And when I'm about to tap on your contact to connect with you, I suddenly go numb and stare blankly at my phone. I don't know what to talk."
Aaaaa what?

Let me take a deep breath. She says she doesn't know what to talk. I wish the tiny circuit in the memory cells of my phone witnessed some bits of binary data smoking away out of the phone...  & she was never to be seen again. I don't know what it means, but when I'm with my friends, we just talk. So be it nothing but shitty crap or those philosophies which have no meanings the next moment or jokes that make you cry rather laugh. But we talk. We talk nonsense. We talk pocket sciences. We talk booze. We talk biryani. We talk suttas. We talk powder. We talk chinimini. We talk hiking. We talk charity. We talk gyms. We talk muscles. We talk games of thrones. We talk avengers. We talk language. We talk bashing that fat dud in that other lane. We talk that bald teacher. We talk facebook. We talk that girl next door. But we talk. Yes, we do. Sometimes we ourselves don't know what we are talking, but we still do. But never ever in these silly & senseless moments, we ever had a second thought, "What are you talking Dude?"

We all are just another random than whatever we thought we were .
A random person, living nothing but a random life. Just like me, a random idiot. Talking to my friends randomly...and that's what we all are about...

A few weeks later...
She turned back again...

She says, "Hiiiii! I missed you so much. I feel like calling you & talking to you"
Hell yeah!

A random loner

A random swag

A random smile

A random walk

A random life


Wednesday 20 July 2016


Its' so hollow, so much deep, in my heart. I haven't forgotten those few minutes under that lamp, on that dilapidated street. Neither that last picture of you waving your hand, out of the glass window of that jitney. Well I did chase you when it zipped off. I had that glance either I was hankering for. That moment, it was me and only me, and the thrust, only to meet your eyes. But.

Life now is only a desert, endless, and hopeless. Time is not ready to move an inch, and my mind, tumbling here and there like a finch. 

I close my eyes, I see you. I open my eyes, I sense you. Be it my veins, be it my heart. Be it my reverie, be it my marvel.

You think you ebbed out of me. You think time is over. 
Ask me & I'd say 

I'll wake up again. I'll search you again. I'll go all out of my heart & crave for you again. Be it that banyan tree, be it that chapel, be it that institution or be it that museum, again. 

So what if I don't find you there, but only pain. 


I'll walk those streets and relive again...










