Wednesday 18 February 2015



I'm not down. Neither I'm up. I am said to be a perfect state. A state, serene & mystic. I'm aroused when the wind is relaxing. I reverberate when you pray. I'm what you seek deadly when you're frustrated, when you're sad. I'm what you need the most when in varied emotions. I'm what you crave to achieve when you meditate.

Conjoined with peace, I fear agitation. Anger is evil, tranquil is me. To some I'm hidden, to some a dream, and to those other privileged, an idyll stream.

I'm what you beg for in love, or when you fight, or be it any act of life. I'm where your thoughts stop hover, just above. I'm in the air, on the ground. I'm everywhere, all around. Who said I'm happy? Did anyone say I'm sad?

Why so many questions? Who needs the answers?

I'm what you're searching for, deep inside you. I'm what gets that best out of you. I'm bliss. I'm harmony.
I'm still. I'm rest. I'm the one who makes you realize your breath.

It's time. Open your ears & close your eyes. Let me come in, & reside...


Few moments of calm, captured...

शांतिरंतरतः आगच्छति   तां बहिर्मान्विष्य
(Peace lies deep within, why look outside?)


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